Jakob Ward ( E19 Creative ), Steven Jackson, John Rader ( Arista Records ), Natasha Morrow, and Corey Jenkins ( Time Cat ) judge a songwriter competition at DreamSTATE Studio, Akron, Ohio.

E19 Music


Proto Digitales | 2012 - 2015

Masters Administration | International Distribution | Marketing Communication

Shifted focus to building custom webtools. Expanding on our relationship with Apple, we developed a custom portal for iTunes Financial Reports, User Management, Messaging, and Additional Resources.

Primary Applications:

  • Studio Portal - manage and serve content. Automate bookings and invoicing.
  • Music Cube - webtool to filter music and audio by genre, instruments, and mood.
  • E19 Studio - utility offering audio file and music master storage in the cloud.
  • Tour Planner - plan a tour. Organize venues, contacts, and press into an itinerary.

DreamSTATE Akron | 2011 - 2015

Cloud ready recording studio and Indie record label.

DreamSTATE Akron is a collaboration of talent from Northeast Ohio coming together to offer innovation in recording studio and record label services and technology.

Additionally, provided Rehearsal Space and hosted House Shows.

Performance & Appearances:


DreamSTATE Records | 2004 - 2014

DreamSTATE Records is a music label from Akron, Ohio.

The foundation of our record label is quality music. With an online catalog of more than 500 songs, and a roster of artists that has climbed as high as 78 acts at one time, DreamSTATE Records emerges with a strong network and a strong plan for growth.

Hosting one of the largest databases of active and up-to-date music industry listings, we are able to plan, create, and execute very targeted and automated marketing plans with just a few clicks.

The primary function of our label is to assist artists in securing both online distribution and placement in commercials, movies, and other marketing avenues that require the use of licensable music.

Many of our artists actively travel and keep consistent routes throughout the Midwest and the Eastern coast.

Featured Artists

To keep current with creative trends, DreamSTATE Records hosts a minimum of one annual compilation release that is widely distributed and recognized.

Our artists stand tall with accolades from Sony Records, Audio Technica, SIT Strings, FOX Television, The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, BET, and numerous other major companies and media outlets.

DreamSTATE Studios | 1999 - 2009

Flexible Hours | Sensible Rates | Comfortable Atmosphere

We look forward to working with you on all your recording and pro audio needs. Please take your time and browse through our site to learn a little more about the services that we offer you, as well as to become a little more familiar with the professionals who will be managing your project.


KORG Audio Technica SIT Strings

E19 Creative

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